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By Maria Jerez & Edurne Rubio

Online encounter 20'

  • 14 February 2021 – Harrogate Theatre - BEST OF BE FESTIVAL 2021 UK TOUR

  • 20 February 2021– Tobacco Factory Theatres, co-presented with Circomedia, Bristol - BEST OF BE FESTIVAL 2021 UK TOUR

  • 28 February 2021– The Lowry, Salford - BEST OF BE FESTIVAL 2021 UK TOUR

“Shan shui” is the Chinese word for landscape and means mountain water. The mountain and water unite creating clouds of mist. The mist is the representation of the void and in the void, everything fits and everything is possible. In this performance, commissioned by BE FESTIVAL for last years BEatHome Festival, the artists paint a landscape without paintings from the emptiness of confinement.

"Avec la performance SHAN SHUI, Rubio et Jerez nous rappellent à quel point l’art est capable d’exprimer avec délicatesse des sentiments aussi complexes que la perte, la fuite, le manque et l’isolement avec une formidable sobriété mêlée d’une ardeur que rien ne semble atténuer, même pas le confinement."

Manah Depauw - Alternatives théâtrales

Shan Shui

Produced by: BE FESTIVAL

Artistic sound assistance : Oliver Theys.

Thanks to : Ernesto Elchardus, David elchardus, Uriel Fogué, Elías rubio, Damna Barredo, Miguel Jerez, Beatriz Quintana, Cuqui Jerez, Gosie Vervloessem, Alejandra Pombo, Manah Depaw, Oscar Bueno, Anto Rodriguez, Javier Cruz, Maral Kekejian, Silvia Zayas, Mónica Camarero, Yann Bétant, Jonas Chéreau, Marcos Simoes.

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